Our Kitchen Manager, Carol Tyson, and crew of volunteer kitchen workers serve lunch daily at 11:00.
Our caterer provides a fresh menu variety, and regular lunch patrons comment very favorably
on the quality of the food.
Lunches meet one third of a senior’s daily nutritional needs and are served daily.
There is a suggested donation of $2.00 per person. Lunch menus are posted in advance
in the dining room. You must sign up before Tuesday, of the preceding week-
no late changes are permitted. Sign-up MUST be done on Copilot.
Home Delivered Meals
The Center and our fleet of dedicated volunteers send out about thirty lunches daily, but the
program is NOT administered by us. If you have questions about the program, or to determine
if you are eligible, you must contact the Bucks County Area Agency on Aging at 267-880-5700
They will assign a case worker who will conduct the eligibility interview, and will notify us
if you qualify and can begin to receive meals.
If you have any questions about lunch, contact Carol Tyson or Margaret (Peggy) Lewis at 215-453-7027.
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Reminder - Landis' Hoagie Tickets are always available and
can be purchased at the Receptionist's desk for $5.00 each,
and can be used at any Landis Market.
Have a great lunch (or two!) and help support our Center!
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