Types of Rentals


Event Date: ____________________________              Times: From: ______________ To: ______________

*Your rental time should cover what is required for setup, decorating, and organizing your event, as well as the cleanup time required at the end of your event. We allow one hour before your rental. Anything beyond that you must include in your rental time.

Room Requested: Legacy Room/Dining Room/Kitchen excluding stoves & steam table $150.00 per hour_ Patio when renting Legacy Room/Dining Room/Kitchen is a flat fee of $50.00. (Conference Room/Rooms $75.00 per hour)

Renter’s Name: _________________________________________________ Phone: ____________________

Organization (if applicable): _____________________________Email: __________________________

Address: ____________________________________________________________________________

Event: ____________________________________________________________________________________

              # Of Guests Attending: _____ (maximum is 140 for Legacy Room if using the dance floor,) and 150 if not using the Dance Floor.

Cooking (by licensed caterer only): Yes ______   No ______

If yes, name and phone # of caterer: ___________________________Provide copy of catering license

Will liquor be served? Yes ______   No ______   If Yes, a Liquor Liability insurance rider MUST be provided.


Band? ______   DJ? ______   Name and phone #: _________________________________________________

Homeowner’s Insurance Company name and phone number: _______________________________________

Security Deposit: $350.00 Legacy Room:     Conference Room:   Computer Room:   Patio:     (Payable at time of reservation. Deposit will be returned within 10 business days after event if facilities are left in order and if rental time has not been exceeded.)

Rental Fee Legacy Room/Dining Room/Kitchen (turning on equipment in kitchen extra charge):

# Of hours: ___ x hourly rate ($150): $ ______   = Total: $ ______Patio w/Rental: $50.00___ flat fee

Total Rental Fee: Rental Fee + Kitchen Fee: __________ (due 30 days prior to the event)

Overtime fee and excessive cleaning: (Will be charged at rate of $150.00 per hour if event goes beyond contracted times. If the Center is not left in the condition that it was when you came in, your Security Deposit will not be returned.)

Building Attendant Fee:   $100.00 to be paid for Building Attendant at time of paying Rental Fee


Please make checks payable to “Pennridge Community Center.”


Office Use Only

Security Deposit Received: _______________   Check #: __________   Received by: _____________________

Rental Fee Received: _______________   Check #: __________   Received by: __________________________



Insurance Coverage: As a condition of leasing The Pennridge Community Center, the Renter shall present to Pennridge Community Center either proof of homeowners or renters’ insurance or a certificate of liability insurance effective for the date of the event. If liquor is to be served, the renter must also include a liquor liability insurance rider. All policies must include riders which name Pennridge Community Center and Silverdale Borough as additional insureds covering the date of the event. Copies of these documents must be attached to this agreement as proof of insurance.         This contract is not binding until all insurance information is received and confirmed by the Center Manager. The Event Helper is an insurance company that specializes one day events. Certificate of Liability Insurance must be presented when paying rental fee.


Renter shall be directly responsible for any and all damages to The Pennridge Community Center or any   person or property. A Security Deposit is hereby posted, but shall not be considered a limitation of responsibility. This amount is in addition to the above-mentioned rental fee and should not be considered part of the rental fee. The Security Deposit will not be returned if there is excessive cleaning to be done. If there is gum under the tables, on the floors, or outside, and no confetti, the deposit will not be returned.


Forfeit of Deposit: Payment of the entire rental fee is due no later than 30 days prior to the event date, if not paid, the date will become available for other events. If the event is cancelled within 30 days of the event, the security deposit will be retained by the Pennridge Community Center.

Building Attendant: Pennridge Community Center will provide a Building Attendant for each event. The Building Attendant shall be responsible for opening and closing the building. The Building Attendant shall also be responsible for remaining present throughout the event, adjusting the room temperature as needed, refilling toilet paper and paper towels in restrooms, collecting any additional fees that are owed due to overtime use, and evaluating the condition of the facility at the conclusion of the event.

Cleaning Guidelines: At the conclusion of the Renter’s use of Pennridge Community Center, the Renter will be responsible for following the cleaning guidelines:

  • Renter will be responsible for leaving Pennridge Community Center as they found it on arrival.
  • Renter shall remain on the premises until the conclusion of the event.
  • All floors, walls, tables, chairs and equipment will be clean and free from damage.
  • All tables, chairs, counters, sinks and equipment that are used shall be washed cleaned.
  • The patio and all floors must be cleaned. The kitchen must be cleaned.
  • Renter shall empty all trash cans that are used in the Kitchen, Dining Room, and Legacy Room. Trash is to taken outside in put in the square dumpster.
  • Cancelation by Center: The Center reserves the right to cancel this Rental Agreement at any time, should the Center Manager determine in his or her absolute direction, that circumstances have arisen that make cancellation of the event necessary to preserve the health and safety or the individuals attending the event and/or the structure and contents of the Center, in the event the Center cancels an event, the renter shall be

notified as soon as practical thereafter, utilizing the contact information that appears in this Agreement and the Center will refund any security deposit that the renter has paid to the Center, if it is prior to the event. If something occurs during the event the Center will keep the deposit, and all other fees, and will notified as soon as practical.


Miscellaneous: The Renter or Caterer shall not use any supplies in the Dining Room cabinets, nor should they adjust the thermostats, which the Building Attendant will adjust if necessary.


Release of Liability: Renter hereby releases and agrees to indemnify and hold Pennridge Community Center, Silverdale Borough, their individual officers, administrators, staff and employees harmless and from any and all liability by reason of any injury or damage to any person or property resulting from the use of the premises, whether or not resulting from negligence of the Renter, persons engaged by the          Renter or guests including excessive use of alcohol.


Renter further releases and agrees to indemnify Pennridge Community Center and Silverdale Borough,   their individual officers, administrators, staff and employees from any and all liability, injury, damage, of cause resulting from inability to use or interruption of any use, of the premises due to fire or other casualty, or breakdown in any of the equipment, fixtures, facilities, or portions thereof, or regardless of the cause. The Renter agrees to take full responsibility if any guests become ill from the food which is purchased and carried into the Center and subsequently served. Pennridge Community Center shall not supply any of the food and will not be held liable.


If the Renter is using a licensed caterer, it is the Renter’s responsibility to share the information           deemed necessary from this agreement with the caterer. The caterer must provide and bring cooking materials, equipment, and utensils. Pennridge Community Center does not provide any supplies. Renter agrees that improper cleanup and/or damage will result minimally in the loss of the Security Deposit.


The following are not allowed on the premises at any time:

  • The Building is “Non Smoking” and is absolutely not permitted inside the building. A smoker’s receptacle is located outside the main entrance. Please use this and do not throw cigarette butts on the grounds.
  • Fogging or hazing machines are not permitted.
  • GUM, Confetti, glitter, and Balloons with confetti inside, Silly String are not permitted.
  • Candles are not permitted. Only Sterno can be used for chafing dishes.
  • No food is permitted in the lobby/television area. This area is for sitting quietly to make phone calls. No congregating allowed. Children must always be accompanied by an adult. No running.
  • No children in the kitchen. Only designated adults assigned by the renter are permitted in the kitchen, with no more than 5 people in the kitchen at one time.
  • No one is permitted to play the piano or use the Lobby television.
  • No guests are allowed to loiter outside of the building, disturbing the neighbors.
  • Do not open any windows or doors. Please ask the Building Attendant to adjust the heat or air.
  • Weapons of any type, including guns, knives, other similar items, are not permitted. This prohibition does not include cutting tools intended solely for food preparation and applies to the renter and his or her guests.
  • Table decorations only will be permitted. Decorations are not to be adhered to the walls, doors, wooden columns, by use of nails, thumbtacks, push pins, scotch tape, command strips or any glue or adhesive.
  • Absolutely no Propane Tanks are permitted in the building.
  • No Weapons or Drugs are permitted on the Center’s Property. The police will be contacted immediately if anyone violates this rule.
  • Steam table is not available
  • If you have food to be used on buffet tables in the hall you will need to bring your own portable warming trays(chaffing dishes) and holders, and your own sterno’s.
  • The kitchen will be used for food preparation, storage and use of refrigerator only. No cooking will be permitted in the kitchen or dining room. This includes no use of the dishwasher, the garbage disposal, the microwave, and the steam table. Kitchen closed at all times. No children are permitted in the kitchen.


  • All food and other party items shall be removed from Pennridge Community Center at the conclusion of the events. All property or items left in the Center after the event shall become the property of Pennridge Community Center unless other arrangements have been made in advance and addended to this agreement. If you have items left and you wish to donate them to the Center, please inform the building attendant of your wishes to do so.


  • Supervision of children: No running, no standing on chairs and tables, no playing outside, in reception area, in the Lobby, or restrooms or restroom area, no balls, frisbees or flying objects of any type are permitted in the building. No games are to be set up or played without permission from the Center first. No markers are to be used. Crayons may be used if only using table covers. Absolutely, NO GUM. Any throwing of rocks on the outside of the building and leaving trash outside will result in loss of your security deposit. An adult must be with their children at all times.


The Pennridge Community Center reserves the right to make addendums to this agreement.

As the Renter, I have read and understand this agreement and will comply with the above requirements.

Signature of Center Manager

or Rental Coordinator: ________________________________________________ Date: _________________

Signature of Renter: _________________________________________________ Date: __________________

Printed Name of Renter: _____________________________________________________________________



Regulations for Events That Include the Serving of Liquor

Alcohol may be served to adults only! Under no circumstances may alcohol be served to minors (under age 21). Alcoholic beverages are not allowed at any youth designated events -NO EXCEPTIONS!


  • Written invitations must be issued to those who will attend the party, and a responsible adult must ensure that only the invited guests are permitted entrance into the building.


  • The renter is considered the responsible adult and must be in attendance at the event at all times. The renter assumes the responsibility to ensure the health and safety of all of his or her guests in attendance at the Center.


I have read and understand this agreement and will comply with the above requirements.

Signature of Center Manager

or Rental Coordinator: _________________________________________________ Date: ________________

Signature of Renter: ___________________________________________________ Date: ________________

Printed Name of Renter: _____________________________________________________________________









Instructions for Room Set-up

Please list your request for room set-up below. Complete the attached drawing indicating where you wish to place required items. Please be as specific as possible and provide these instructions by two weeks prior   to your event so that we may be successful in meeting your needs.  

Legacy Room Setup: $150.0 per hour (1 hour before event and ½ an hour for cleanup after the event is included. Any more hours needed for cleanup and decorating must be included in the rental price.

  1. 0Auditorium seating - Number: ______ (maximum of 150 people) (approximately 49' x 54')
  2. 0Rectangular tables (6')   - Number: ______ (6’ by 30” wide)
  3. 0Round tables (72")  - Number: ______ (10 chairs per table)
  4. 0Square tables in dining area (36") - Number: ______
  5. 0Use of dance floor (approximately 22 1/2' X 30') or 268.5 x 362.5 inches

Conference Room Setup: $75.00 per hour.

  1. 0Square tables (36") - Number: ______ (maximum of 2 tables, in addition to conference table)
  2. 0Chairs - Number: ______ There are 24 chairs in the conference an additional 6 regular chairs can be added.


Please indicate placement of tables and chairs on the drawing on the next page.







Floor Plans



Dance Floor



Not in floor plan

Legacy Room

Dining Area

Please use this space to draw a diagram of your floor plan. Indicate placement of banquet tables, chairs, etc. Please note drawing is not to scale. We will have 9 tables setup in the Legacy Room. If your party needs more tables, it may be your responsibility to setup the extra chairs and tables and put them away after your event.

Features and Amenities

PARKING LOT                Large convenient parking lot with 72 spaces and 6 handicapped spaces. Parking for caterer at kitchen entrance. We encourage large parties to carpool. No Loitering in the Parking Lot or outside the building. Please keep your party in the venue.

ENTRANCE                     Stone canopied covered front entrance

LOBBY                           Has sofas and chairs. This area is for sitting quietly to make a phone call. No congregating, running, eating, drinking, or playing games.

Large coat room


LEGACY ROOM             The room is 54’ x 49’ and can accommodate 170 people

                                          Sunny and bright with many windows

                                          Large bamboo dance floor

                                          Rectangular tables (6') (30” wide)

                                          Round tables (72") seats 10 people at each table

                                          Square tables (36") are also available in the Dining Room

                                          Comfortable upholstered chairs


PATIO                              The patio can accommodate 24 people, seated.

Tables (6) and chairs (24) need to remain on the patio, and no other furniture can be brought onto the patio. The patio is closed from September through May



Included with Legacy Room Rental:

200 lb. ice machine (designated person to use this machine/and must use ice scoop)

Triple stainless steel sink (Absolutely no food put in sinks) scrape in trash cans.

                                          Double-sided refrigerator

Freezer (if there is room in the freezer)                                                                   

                                          Three stainless steel food preparation tables


              Included with $350.00 Kitchen Fee – only to be used by licensed caterer. (Fee paid by renter)

6 burner gas range with 24” built-in griddle

                                          Microwave oven

                                          Three stainless steel food preparation tables


Event Attendant may appreciate something to eat if you are willing and a tip if you feel they have done a good job.




© 2025 Pennridge Community Center
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