Volunteers are needed - contact us at 215-453-7027 or email us at manager.pcsc@yahoo.com

We have openings for many Volunteer positions. 

Computer Skills





Root Beer Floats

Thrift Shop


Cleaning Team – Do you like to clean? We need you for dusting, vacuuming (weekly), cleaning windows (monthly or as needed), and trash removal (daily).


Fundraising Contact and Idea Committee – contact local merchants, banks, and businesses to donate a monetary donation, gift cards, baskets filled with goodies for special events, and sponsorship for an event.


Baking Committee – If you love to bake this one is for you. We need fresh donated home-made baked goods for our special events.


Cooking – If you love to cook or just want to help out once the food is made then this one is for you. We would like to start selling soup, chili, chicken dumplings, and selected dinners.



Volunteers are the work force of our Center. In order to have these events, as well as our activities and classes, volunteers are needed. Each volunteer is valuable to our activities and programs.

Regardless of the program or activity, volunteers are the unsung heroes that make these

activities and fund raisers successful.  Without their help, our Center might just be a

great building with not much going on inside. 



If you don’t see something on this list that appeals to you, maybe there is something else you could tell us you would like to volunteer for. Please offer to volunteer your skills, or try something new – we need your talents! People who sign up often feel like it's much more fun than working.




Our Ways & Means Committee consists of representatives from the above groups.  But more importantly, we need more volunteers that will not only develop fundraisers, but to also volunteer at fundraisers.  Remember - we are a non-profit organization, and all fundraisers’ monies go into our Operating Budget to keep the Center open while providing classes, activities, lunch, and other services specifically geared toward to the senior population. 

© 2025 Pennridge Community Center
Connected Sound - Websites for the Barbershop Community